MapleLife Physiotherapy & Wellness

At Maple Life Physiotherapy & Wellness, our physiotherapists provide every client with the most up to date care in order to optimize their treatment. We work together with the patient and other health care professionals to develop a customized care plan for all of our patients. Our clinic is located around 107-11893 227st, Maple Ridge.

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Alleviate Pain
Whether it be a shoulder injury from playing tennis, a low back injury from an accident at work, nagging knee pain or neck pain from sitting at a computer all day, our caring and experienced practitioners can assist you.
Prevent Injury
Maple Life is committed to being a leader in the field of injury prevention. Our practitioners share a common passion for assisting patients to reduce their risk of injury across various life domains, including sport, activities of daily living and the workplace.
Optimize Health
Whether you are an athlete looking to compete at a higher level and enhance your performance or you are the average Vancouverite looking to enjoy the benefits of good health we can help you at Maple Life.

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